In recent days, Board members have received a notable increase in queries relating to the Southern Recycling Centre / Amenity Site (SCAS) .
The Southern Civic Amenity Site is funded by the five local authorities in the South and operated by the Southern Civic Amenity Site Board with representation from each local authority.
In Castletown, the funding is covered through the domestic refuse levy, while commercial users incur charges based on weight, both through our refuse collection service and at the SCAS.
Following discussion in Mondays meeting, the Board acknowledged concerns from ratepayers regarding the removal of the reuse area, in favour of prioritising support for commercial customers.
Therefore, we are seeking feedback from Castletown ratepayers on the following points to ensure that our representative on the SCAS Board can convey the town’s stance in future budgeting and strategic discussions:
1. Do you agree with the site’s policy of prioritising services for commercial users, or do you believe the focus should be on domestic users, as is practiced elsewhere on the island ?
2. Do you think a reuse area should be reinstated, and if so, would you be willing to contribute higher rates for this service?
Since Mondays meeting, members have been contacted and made aware of additional concerns with regard the of the sites “fair usage” policy and our representative to the SCAS has been asked to provide clarity with regard its application.
While this post will be monitored to gather opinions, please submit any formal representations in writing to the Clerk at the Town Hall or via email at clerk@castletown.gov.im
If you are not a Castletown ratepayer, you may wish to direct representations to your own local authority.