Public Sector Housing Applications


The normal residential qualifications for acceptance on the waiting list and/or allocation of accommodation are for at least one of the applicants to have a:-

(a) minimum of 10 years residence in the Isle of Man; and
(b) minimum of 5 years residence in the Local Authority District Castletown.

The residential qualifications do not need to be continuous or immediately prior to the application.

No applications will be considered from single people under the age of 18.

The thresholds for income and savings are reviewed annually. Please make sure that you have the current advice sheet containing the relevant information.


With regard to the allocation of properties a point system is used for every housing application.

The aim of the points system is to assess each applicant by a common set of standards in relation to their housing needs.


Application forms can be downloaded by clicking on the link at the top right of this page.

Existing Tenants

Your Tenancy

All general public sector housing authorities on the Island have agreed to use a standard form of tenancy agreement to ensure that all tenants are treated fairly and consistently across the Island.

Standard Tenancy Agreement

Before you rent one of the Commissioners properties, you will be required to sign a tenancy agreement. You will be given your own copy of the agreement to keep. This will state what your responsibilities will be as a tenant and our responsibilities as a landlord.

The information contained below is a summary of the tenancy agreement and should just be referred to for general advice. All public sector tenants will have their own copy of the agreement and should refer to that for full details of its contents.

Your responsibilities as a tenant will include:

  • Paying your rent – You must pay your rent and any other associated charges on time. Your rent is payable weekly in advance every Monday. There are more details about your rent and how you can pay it in the page on rent payment
  • Looking after your home – It is your responsibility to take good care of your home and to prevent anyone else from damaging it. We will charge you for any deliberate damage or vandalism carried out to your property. You must keep the inside and outside of your home clean and tidy.
  • Using your home – We have let the property for you and your family to live in and you should use it only for that purpose. You do not have the right to run a business from your home but we may consider granting you permission. You must ask our permission before you set up your business and we will consider the request. An example of when we might refuse is where the business could disturb your neighbours or be unlawful
  • Nuisance and harassment – Everyone has a right to peacefully enjoy life. Therefore, you must not cause a nuisance or annoyance, or any kind of deliberate harassment, to the people living around you. You are also responsible for the behaviour of people who live with you or are visiting you.
  • Access to your home – We will sometimes have to carry out repairs and servicing in your home and will need access to do this work. In these circumstances you must allow the workmen into your home. In most cases, unless it is an emergency, you will have been notified in advance of our need to access your home. Authorised officers must also be allowed to enter and inspect the condition of your property at reasonable pre-arranged times.
  • Looking after shared areas – If you live in a block where there are shared areas, we expect you and the other tenants to keep these areas clean and tidy. For your own safety, please make sure that you keep shared areas free from rubbish and obstructions
  • Car parking – You and your family must park your car or any other vehicle in a proper parking area or a drive. Remember, most spaces are not allocated to specific properties and you may need to come to an agreement with your neighbours on parking. Please do not park untaxed or unlicensed vehicles, large commercial vehicles, caravans, boats or trailers in parking spaces. These may be removed if causing an obstruction and the owners charged.
  • Lodgers -Subject to certain conditions and provided that you have sufficient space, you are usually allowed to take in lodgers once you have been a tenant for 12 months or longer, but you must always get our written permission before you do so.A lodger is considered to be any person other than a spouse/partner or dependent child/children who takes up residence at the address (over and above any reasonable temporary visit). This definition of lodger applies to adult children who may have originally been part of the household but have subsequently left home and have established their own household elsewhere prior to their return to the address, but does not include adult children who are away from home solely as a consequence of service in the Armed Forces or the Crown or full time education i.e. College or University.A lodger charge is currently £21.81 per week (this will increase every year in April and you will be informed of any increase), and this cost will be added to your rent for each lodger staying in your home.