Expressions of Interest – Potential Use of Commissioners Yard
In January 2017 Castletown Town Commissioners invited expressions of interest from companies or individuals who may be interested in utilising buildings within in the Commissioners Portfolio.
Whilst the exercise was in relation to specific buildings, it also resulted in a number of broader enquiries for the use of the Commissioners works yard which were considered and rejected by the Board on a case by case basis.
The works depot in its current configuration does not provide appropriate level of facilities for our employees, and limits our ability to expand the delivery of the horticultural displays for which the town has become renowned.
Given the ongoing discussion regarding local authority reform and collaborative working between local authorities, prior to committing significant expenditure into the existing facilities, the Commissioners wish to review future options for delivering services and formally invite non-binding expressions of interest for the use of our works yard and associated buildings situated off Alexandra Road & Milner Terrace Castletown.
To register your interest, please write to the Clerk, Castletown Town Commissioners, Town Hall, Farrants Way, IM9 1NR, or email Clerk@castletown.gov.im outlining any proposals for the use of the yard.
Interested parties should note that any proposal to acquire the freehold of, or lease the site for a period exceeding 7 years will be subject to the approval of the Department of Infrastructure as per section 25 of the Local Government Act 1985.
The site is designated for industrial use under the Southern Area plan, having previously been the Town Gas Works.
Expressions of interest must be received no later than 12:00 on Monday 29th August 2022.